Put your brand
on the big screen

Reach a local audience, increase brand awareness, and boost credibility with professionally produced commercials featured on hundreds of streaming platforms.

hulu streaming digital tv platforms ott/ctv bellingham

Honda of Bellingham - “KEEPING IT LOCAL”
Produced with Joyco Digital

What is Streaming TV?

Streaming TV (aka OTT/CTV) is programming delivered directly to viewers through connected devices or streaming platforms without the use of traditional cable or satellite.

Ads are shown during TV shows, movies, live sports, news, and events. The consumer ad viewing experience is just like traditional TV, where 0:15 or 0:30-second non-skippable ads appear during content breaks, requiring the audience to watch ads before continuing with the content.


Streaming TV Services

  • Content Creation

    We work with you to create engaging, locally-focused content. Utilizing a team of professional videographers and writers we offer concept development, script-writing, voiceovers, and video production. Providing you with high-end video content that’s ready for the big screen!

  • Audience Definition

    We use 30 data providers to reach over 80 million households in the US. Using demographics, interests, behaviors, lifestyles, and more, we can reach your target audience wherever they are, down to the zip code! We’ll leverage consumer data to reach precise audience segments.

  • Delivery

    Once we’ve determined your audience and made the perfect commercial, we place these ads across hundreds of premium streaming platforms. We don’t need to guess what your ideal customer will watch. We find your ideal customer and meet them where they are.

  • Reporting

    We deliver easy-to-interpret analytics on the performance of your campaign. Find out what platforms your ads were seen on, how many times they were seen, how many people clicked the ad links, and where your ads were shown — down to the zip code.

  • Fresh Content

    We know the importance of keeping viewers engaged - that’s why we switch out content regularly. We deliver three high-definition 30-second videos quarterly (or six 15-second videos). You can also re-purpose these videos for advertising on other platforms.

  • Additional Services

    Need additional marketing services? We can help! We can help you advertise on Facebook, Instagram, Google, Youtube, and more. Whether you are looking to reach a local audience, or take your brand worldwide. We’ve got you covered.

bellingham marketing client


“Within a month of switching to Bloom, I started seeing actual results.”

“I was looking for a local company that really had an understanding of our community and our marketing goals. We had been using a very expensive, very ineffective national OTT/CTV provider and I found the results were not great. Luckily, we found Bloom Creative! Within a month of switching to Bloom, I started seeing actual results from the marketing campaigns we put together. Our OTT/CTV campaign drove more traffic than AutoTrader and Facebook combined! Braden and his team work very hard to make sure they understand what you're trying to accomplish, and work with you to make sure you have the correct plan to accomplish it. Reasonably priced, local and savvy. Bloom Creative has earned a customer for life!”

Tanya McKinney
Marketing Director, Honda of Bellingham

Fun Facts About Streaming TV

  • 82% of American Adults Stream TV Content

    And of that 82%, the vast majority are in the “key demographic” age 25-54. They are making important life decisions, and are ready to spend.

  • TV Streamers Have Discretionary Income

    Over 70% of streaming service users are from middle and high-income households, with high-income households making up the largest share.

  • No More Media Conglomerates

    In the past, getting seen on cable or traditional networks was expensive and out of reach for most local businesses. That’s all changing.

Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our rule-of-thumb is that for every $1,000 you spend, your ad will be seen around 15,000 times. We typically recommend a minimum budget of $5,000 per month for sufficient reach, but this can change depending on your target audience.

  • This depends on where your ad is being shown, but most platforms do not allow your ads to be skipped. Based on past experience we can confidently expect a completion rate of over 95%. This means people will watch your ENTIRE video over 95% of the time.

  • The vast majority of impressions are shown on TV screens (over 80% usually), however some people stream content on their phones, laptops, or tablets. And if they fall into your target audience, we’ll show your ad to these users too.

  • We are able to use 15, 30, or 60 second ads. That being said, 60 second ads typically don’t perform very well. We recommend 15 or 30 second ads. Our video production team can work with you to create engaging video ads that fit these time restraints.


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